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About Happy Ear Pillows

My name is Happy and I am the proud owner of a pillow mask extender company  called Happy Ears Pillows! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your schedule to visit this website during these tumultuous times that COVID-19 has thrusted upon the entire world population.

I consider it an honor to provide information regarding how my product can bring everyday  comfort to you and your family members as well as for Business Owners wanting to ensure the comfort of their employees. The Happy ear pillows are able to function optimally and PAIN FREE throughout your day.

Our mask extenders can be attached to most face masks by simply stretching each mask strap  around the Happy ear pillow’s buttons allowing for the pillow to rest comfortably on the back of the neck. Happy Ear pillows can easily be adjusted by simply raising (tightening), or lowering (loosening) the extender on the back of the neck. These delightful ear pillows also eliminate outer perimeter ear pain that is caused by excessive MANDATED mask wearing for prolonged periods of time.

The product is proudly constructed in the USA using durable, premium, and machine  washable materials. We also offer customized Happy Ear Pillows mask extenders in a variety of colors which include: company logos, sports teams, restaurants, churches, and many other organizations.

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